99% Invisible: Invisible Women - One of my favorite podcasts explores how design ignores women.The first illustration relates to the differences in travel patterns of men and women and how that led to changes in how a city in Sweden plows its streets. I kid you not! Listen to or read this immediately.
WaPo: Where all the 2020 presidential candidates have lived — and where none have - "Where we live helps shape who we become, which is why these details are interesting when we’re talking about people who want to lead the country. But does geography help a candidate get elected? We have experts who will tell you, but first, let’s look at where these folks come from." The northeast bias is alive and well says your editor who lives in the land of Bernie and Elizabeth.
Esri: Implementation Guide for GeoMentors is a new Teach with GIS Guide.
Introduction to GIS - The free OER book by Víctor Olaya, a software engineer at OpenGeo, is hosted on GitHub. Via Alexandre Neto. It's short and software agnostic.
On and Off Campus
University of Delaware: UD helps Delaware tourism with GIS mapping technology - The Delaware byways system is now detailed in a story map built via a collaboration between the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) and the University of Delaware’s Institute for Public Administration (IPA). The story map is used to replace a booklet or brochure.
OpenGov Asia: Satellite images and GIS to mitigate rising Philippine temperatures - "The Department of Science and Technology (DOST), through the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD), is working with the University of the Philippines-Training Centre for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry (UP-TCAGP) to find ways to mitigate the harmful effects of the rising temperatures in urban areas." Wow, those are long acronyms!
Press Release: Feed Ontario Releases New Study Revealing Hunger Exists in Every Electoral Riding - A new study competed with Fleming College Geographic Information Systems (GIS) revealed hunger and food bank use existed in every electoral riding in Ontario during 2018. Ontario’s food banks were accessed by 507,977 people who visited 3,033,970 times throughout the year – a three percent increase over 2017. Here's the map. Riding? Says Wikipedia: "An electoral district in Canada, also known as a 'constituency' or a 'riding', is a geographical constituency upon which Canada's representative democracy is based."
Press release: Maptitude Mapping Software Team Provides Corporate Sponsorship for NEGIS - The Maptitude mapping software team (from Caliper Corporation) provides corporate sponsorship for the Northeast Geographic Information Society (NEGIS). Good to see! I'm no longer involved with NEGIS, but still love to see students supported!
Wyoming Public Media: New Map Hopes To Provide More Minute Data On Broadband Coverage - "The Wyoming Business Council and the University of Wyoming GIS department partnered up to create a tool that is more detailed than the federal data collected in the state." The tool is an operations dashboard.
University of Chicago: Interactive map built by UChicago scholar and students sheds new light on riots - Researchers and students built an interactive map that shows deaths, injuries, photos and more from the riots of 100 years ago. The lead researcher is a historical sociologist.
The Virginia Gazette: W&M students are back in town; here's a look at what's new on campus - "The university’s Center for Geospatial Analysis will begin enrolling students in a 15 credit hour geospatial sciences certificate post-baccalaureate program in the fall... The Certificate in Geographic Information Science was funded with seed money from the former provost’s Creative Adaptation Fund. Students who enroll in the program full time can complete it in one year."
The Conversation: Thrash not trash 🤘: why heavy metal is a valid and vital PhD subject - A justification from the Professor of Human Geography, University of Newcastle on his offer for the study of some interesting topics. I noted coverage of the scholarships on a gaming website a few weeks back.
On Teachable
Teachable is an online platform that hosts courses. I ran into two GIS organizations that use it.
GIS Science School is the brainchild of Bissemb Olivier, who calls himself a GIS Expert. He has a degree in electrical engineering and completed the Coursera GIS specialization from UC Davis. The school offer "one off" or subscription access at $16/month to five courses.
BootCamp GIS is a team effort of a half dozen people offering technical and entrepeneur focused courses. Most are offered is one of two forms: "knowledge builder self paced" or for a higher fee "professional builder" which includes access to an instructor and other perks. The website has been around since 2017 and classes are on the schedule for fall and early 2020, but my queries went unanswered as this issue goes to press.
Wyoming Public Media: New Map Hopes To Provide More Minute Data On Broadband Coverage - "The Wyoming Business Council and the University of Wyoming GIS department partnered up to create a tool that is more detailed than the federal data collected in the state." The tool is an operations dashboard.
University of Chicago: Interactive map built by UChicago scholar and students sheds new light on riots - Researchers and students built an interactive map that shows deaths, injuries, photos and more from the riots of 100 years ago. The lead researcher is a historical sociologist.
The Virginia Gazette: W&M students are back in town; here's a look at what's new on campus - "The university’s Center for Geospatial Analysis will begin enrolling students in a 15 credit hour geospatial sciences certificate post-baccalaureate program in the fall... The Certificate in Geographic Information Science was funded with seed money from the former provost’s Creative Adaptation Fund. Students who enroll in the program full time can complete it in one year."
I was surprised to see this ad on the Web. It does not name the school, but when you click, you end up at the University of Denver. Back in 2018 DU was ranked 96 in U.S. News and World Report list of top national universities.
On Teachable
Teachable is an online platform that hosts courses. I ran into two GIS organizations that use it.
GIS Science School is the brainchild of Bissemb Olivier, who calls himself a GIS Expert. He has a degree in electrical engineering and completed the Coursera GIS specialization from UC Davis. The school offer "one off" or subscription access at $16/month to five courses.
BootCamp GIS is a team effort of a half dozen people offering technical and entrepeneur focused courses. Most are offered is one of two forms: "knowledge builder self paced" or for a higher fee "professional builder" which includes access to an instructor and other perks. The website has been around since 2017 and classes are on the schedule for fall and early 2020, but my queries went unanswered as this issue goes to press.