I like this several year old cartoon. I think it'd be interesting to use in class or in an evaluation. I'd ask: Does this pattern exist (to any degree) in the real world? Where? Why? It's by John Atkinson from Ottawa, ON under CC-NC-ND. Via @simongerman600.
Pacific Standard: What's Behind America's Inability to Create a Trustworthy Broadband Map - "Broadband-mapping efforts from both the federal government at large and the FCC have had critical flaws that disproportionately affect rural and minority communities."
CARTO Blog: 50 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Geospatial, Data Science, and Visualization - I recognize a lot of names.
Geo for All: Friday April 13, 2018 at 12:00 PM Central Mountain Time (7:00 PM GMT) - Thinking About QGIS as a Consultant and Educator. Presented by Kurt Menke. Join the Webinar, via Zoom, here.
New York State GIS Association: April 18, 2018 at 2 pm EDT - Exploring Open Source: QGIS and Its Analysis Tools Webinar presented by Anita Graser. Register here.
Education News
CyborgEDU: Dynamics of Lifelong Learning, Part III: Creating and Caring - Jack Marmorstein looks at what Tim O'Reilly and Jeff Selingo contribute to our understanding of the past and future of learning. "...[W]e’ll organize our learning around our uniquely human gifts, the capabilities we’ll always need and value and where humans will always outperform machines. For O’Reilly, these capabilities come in two categories: creating and caring (WTF, 477)." The reference is to O'Reilly's latest book, What's the Future.
GIS Software for Education
Blue Marble Geographics: Updated Global Mapper Academic Labs Now Available with Free Software Licenses for Higher Education - The updated lessons illustrate new software functionality and workflows. The company also announced a single $500 scholarship for an undergrad or graduate student related to a research project using Global Mapper for the 2019 academic year. Read about the academic program in detail here.
Quote of the Week
Carolyn Fish @cartofish, who's joining the University of Oregon next fall (congrats!), asks via Twitter:
Why are so many GIScience/cart presentations basically free advertising for software (both proprietary and open-source)?
On and Off Campus
OSGeo/Geo for All: Launch of Open Source Geospatial Lab at the Pete Fisher Laboratory for Geocomputation, University of Leicester, United Kingdom - "The Open Source Geospatial Lab at the Pete Fisher Laboratory for Geocomputation will be a guiding light for Open Principles in Geo education and research globally…"
The Citizen: 'Future to be determined': Board weighs options for Auburn geospatial technology institute - "The Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology at Cayuga Community College in Auburn has no staff, no working website and is lapsed in its charitable status. The institute's board, however, says it's working toward the best solution for its future, though members are foggy on what that exactly means. "
Stanford: Mapping Activism at Stanford - "The Stanford Activism Map, led by Andrew Lokay ’20, logs the location, type and size of protests, demonstrations and other campus political activity from the 1960s. "
St. John Source: BCB Students Map Historical Landmarks - Selected middle school students from the Virgin Island city mapped landmarks using GPS. One science teacher would like to see "a coordinated effort to train children to map streets. No need to import talent. We have talent.”
OSGeo/Geo for All: Launch of Open Source Geospatial Lab at the Pete Fisher Laboratory for Geocomputation, University of Leicester, United Kingdom - "The Open Source Geospatial Lab at the Pete Fisher Laboratory for Geocomputation will be a guiding light for Open Principles in Geo education and research globally…"
The Citizen: 'Future to be determined': Board weighs options for Auburn geospatial technology institute - "The Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology at Cayuga Community College in Auburn has no staff, no working website and is lapsed in its charitable status. The institute's board, however, says it's working toward the best solution for its future, though members are foggy on what that exactly means. "
Stanford: Mapping Activism at Stanford - "The Stanford Activism Map, led by Andrew Lokay ’20, logs the location, type and size of protests, demonstrations and other campus political activity from the 1960s. "
Montana Kaimin: After the Cut: The past, present and future of UM's downsizing - Kevin McManigal, the fellow who, with his students, makes maps to help rangers protect snow leopards, lions and tigers was laid off. He's still funded by Panthera, but is no longer working for the university. "McManigal, 47, says he is one of fewer than 100 people teaching this kind of advanced cartographic design in the U.S." I've noted McManigal before, back in 2015 and earlier this year, when he was laid off.