UGent: How accurate is your mental map? - Lieselot Lapon invites those interested to complete a "fun study to challenge your mental model of world maps. Guess the correct size of countries and support PHD research." Via @kennethfield.
Texas State: Research in Geographic Education - Volume 19, Issue 2 features papers by the 2016 recipients of transformative research grants from the National Center for Research in Geography Education.
Ubiquity Press: Mapping and the Citizen Sensor - A book on citizen science. Via @Lea_shanley.
Trinity College: Drone course - Most of the material is free. The course authors note input from @SmithGIS, who shared the link.
Conference Videos: Spatial Data Science Conference - Videos from the UChicago and Carto sponsored event are online. Further information.
Dynamicland: A new vision for computing (and educating/design) - "The computer of the future is not a product, but a place."
Valley Courier: ASU professor’s research named one of top 100 science stories by Discover Magazine - "Adams State University professor of physical geography Jared Beeton contributed to a study that was named one of the 2017 Top 100 Science Stories from across the globe by Discover Magazine in its January/February 2018 issue." Says Beeton: “We are putting together a GIS map of landforms in the Sweetwater River watershed, including their age, which hasn’t been done before. This will tell the story of what the landscape looked like 130,000 years ago."
Northwest Missourian: Behind the Scenes: Northwest grad provides extra pop to winning culture - Andrew Sherry earned his Bachelor of Science in GIS but never found anything attractive within the field. So, he joined the Northwest Department of Athletics, and now does a variety of filming and video production for them. Not all GIS students are destined to stay in it!
Conference Videos: Spatial Data Science Conference - Videos from the UChicago and Carto sponsored event are online. Further information.
Press Release: Esri: The GIS 20: Essential Skills 3rd Edition - A new version of the popular book is out.
YouTube: David Doyle on GNSS Topics - This set of David Doyle videos was produced from his presentation to a Florida geospatial user group. You might want to start with this intro video. Via @wiscmapper.
Laws of UX: A nice overview of user experience basics.
Education News
Southern Fried Science: 10 Tips for grad students to make the most of a scientific conference - Great advice, especially helpful for introverts.
Harvard Business Review: Liberal Arts in the Data Age - From last summer. The article asks: “What are the humanities good for?” New books suggest the answer is "quite a bit." From last summer.
On and Off Campus
Northwest Missourian: Behind the Scenes: Northwest grad provides extra pop to winning culture - Andrew Sherry earned his Bachelor of Science in GIS but never found anything attractive within the field. So, he joined the Northwest Department of Athletics, and now does a variety of filming and video production for them. Not all GIS students are destined to stay in it!
ABC7 NY: Long Island teacher running 7 marathons on 7 continents - Cara Nelson is a social studies teacher, so she's turned her race plans into teaching and learning opportunities. "Our essential question throughout the event itself is, how does geography influence the development of culture?" she said.
Industry News
Industry News
Press release: Geospatial Corporation To Integrate Blockchain Technology With GIS Platform To Serve The Global Oil & Gas Industry - The company provides location services in oil and gas using the Google Maps API. I believe this is the first blockchain and GIS press release I've seen.
From the Esri Ed Team Meeting
This week my team, the Esri Education Outreach Team, met in Redlands. I wanted to share two topics we discussed.
Esri Education Blog: GIS Today - Don't let the title fool you! This post, from my colleague Geri Miller, takes a stab at answering this question: What will the next generation GIS curriculum look like? She's looking for input and feedback.
Story Map: Campus Blue Lights - This story map explains the concept of the beta Blue Lights app. It helps safety personal identify appropriate locations for blue lights (emergency call boxes). It can also be used to locate other campus furniture, such as trash cans, that should be accessible and visible from just about everywhere. If your campus map is in ArcGIS Online, you can test out the app in your own geography. This effort stems from our Campus Map program, which encourages universities and parks to share their authoritative maps as part of the Living Atlas.
Quote of the Week
Danielle Lynch, Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences, Northeastern, shared this via Twitter.
Danielle Lynch, Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences, Northeastern, shared this via Twitter.
My Carto free trial is expiring, so I re-created one of my maps in Tableau with the help of Mapbox to mimic the Stamen: Toner Lines basemap style.Trial software expirations encourage faculty and students to explore and learn new software and techniques.