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Thursday, April 30, 2020

GIS Ed Weekly: Why do Americans Suck at Geography?

Events and Opportunities
Directions Magazine: ASPRS Provides Geospatial Webinars for Kids - "The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society is hosting one-hour educational webinars for kids focused on geospatial concepts and technology." The first one is April 30, today, at 2 pm EDT. "Career Opportunities in Land Surveying" is aimed at 8th-12th graders.

Brandman University: Right Place, Right Time: Sharing the Value of GIS for COVID-19 Response - The May 5 webinar features Dr. Este Geraghty, Esri's Chief Medical Officer who "will share her career path leading to Health GIS and discuss how this powerful tool is being used to actively combat the COVID-19 pandemic around the world."

ISPRS: Virtual Rooms - The ISPRS SC Virtual Rooms is an initiative to help connect individuals interested in the same topic. The rooms are hosted on Zoom and are open during specific days and times.

Resources for Teaching and Learning

The New York Times: How to Make an Illustrated Map in 8 Steps - Nate Padavick guides the homebound in a creative pursuit.

USGIF: 2020 State and Future of GEOINT Report Now Available - "USGIF published its annual State and Future of GEOINT Report, a collection of articles intended for use by all GEOINT practitioners. This unclassified document contains a series of concise descriptions of problems, achievements, and emerging issues and technologies as a guide to better understand the global GEOINT mission — whether you work in the public, commercial, federal, civilian, defense, intelligence, or national security space."

GeoNet: Waters to the Sea Educational Story Maps - "Hamline University's Center for Global Environmental Education has award-winning multimedia educational story maps that explore watersheds all over the United States from Texas to Hawaii. Aligned with 4th-8th grade Next Generation Science Standards, these programs have curated tabs for Earth Science, Social Studies, Current Affairs, Life Science, Culture and more."

LinkedIn: Earth Day 1 to Earth Day 50: A personal story - Retired Esri Education outreach team member George Dailey reflects on his "personal involvement with Earth Day 1 and why it is more important now, especially empowering youth."

Medium: A student’s guide to jobs in GIS and cartography - By Esri's Raluca Nicola. Via @adam_fox.

PBS NewsHour: Nation’s Report Card scores dip for history, geography - "The latest Nation’s Report Card shows eighth-graders’ scores in U.S. history and geography declining since 2014, results Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Thursday called 'stark and inexcusable.'"

Daily Californian: Getting my bearings: Learning the geography of UC - Reflections on learning one's way around campus.

Daily Californian: Why do Americans suck at geography? - The conclusion of this opinion piece: "Geography is not even the most important thing Americans suck at. We suck at keeping people alive; we suck at maintaining the habitability of a planet; we suck at a whole host of things that no amount of knowing where the Seychelles are will fix. Case in point: I saw a post on Reddit that said: 'Why do Americans suck at geography? Because only the ones who skipped class survived.'”

Open Risk Academy: An introduction to GeoJSON - "This course is a CrashProgram (short course) introducing the GeoJSON specification for the encoding of geospatial features. The course is at an introductory technical level. It requires some familiarity with data specifications such as JSON and a very basic knowledge of Python." Via Reddit/GIS.
GeoTech Center: Spring 2020 Newsletter - The PDF is available from a Google DriveIssuu, and the GeoTech website.

On and Off Campus

Lehigh: Lehigh’s College of Education Awarded NSF Grant to Boost Students’ Geospatial Skills - "Tom Hammond, associate professor of instructional technology and teacher education in Lehigh’s College of Education, will be the principal investigator on the project, 'Collaborative Research: Expanding Socio-Environmental Science Investigations with Geospatial Technologies in High Schools.'"

Milford Mirror: Digital map available for Warren cemetery - "In the summer of 2018, William Neary, an entering college freshman, kickstarted a mapping project of the cemetery." It grew and now has support from the local high school and historical society.

ASU Now: Geography students, faculty, alumni recognized at American Association of Geographers Meeting - I count five award winners, including one a younger me met on an airplane trip to an AAG meeting.
COVID-19 Mapping

WKU News: WKU GIS program playing key role in COVID-19 response - "WKU’s GIS program is playing a key role in connecting volunteers with people in need as part of an online COVID-19 Community Action Center for Bowling Green and Warren County." For information about the project, based in two counties, visit http://www.warrencountyky.gov/covid19.php or https://www.bgky.org/coronavirus.

Alice Echo News-Journal: Texas A&M-Corpus Christi Researchers Predict Outcome if Pandemic Restrictions Ease or End - "As part of a joint taskforce report, researchers at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi compared data on the COVID-19 pandemic in the Coastal Bend to data from Bexar County and elsewhere and showed the impact of easing or ending restrictions. "

UB News Center: This map shows where people can access food in Buffalo - "University at Buffalo researchers have created a map of food resources in Buffalo to help people locate and access food during the coronavirus pandemic."

OzarksFirst.com: University of Missouri extension launches food finder map - "So far, 160 produce growers, farmers, and local grocery stores are listed on the map with their location, contact information, and hours of operation."

University of Michigan Flint News: UM-Flint maps resources for area residents amid COVID-19 - University Outreach offers the Genesee County COVID-19 resources map.

WMUR Manchester: Grow it Green: Food access map - "Food insecurity is a serious issue for many in New Hampshire, especially in these times. The UNH Cooperative Extension has a map of where to find food pantries."

WTVY, Dothan: FSU students create map of kindness to spread positivity - "Students Gabby Cintron and Vinita Akula, from the FSU College of Medicine, have created the website Kindness Amid the Coronavirus." A PhD Candidate Biomedical Engineering student from Carleton University developed the site.
Keene State College: Geography Alumnus on Frontlines of COVID-19 Research - "Keene State 2014 graduate Michael R. Desjardins is at the forefront of studying COVID-19 using geographical methods. In December, Michael earned his PhD in geography, specializing in medical geography and spatial epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.Now, as a post-doctoral fellow in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s department of epidemiology, he is lead author of what is thought to be the first scholarly article published on using spatial science techniques to study the initial outbreak of the novel coronavirus."

Stop COVID -19 Together: "This project is a part of #TeamLA, and it aims to collect information that will help us understand how the coronavirus pandemic has affected our communities. Every individual can and should contribute, and by doing so will be joining our team effort to collect necessary data to stop the pandemic." Via David Breeding on LinkedIn.

Group on Earth Observations (GEO): GEO Community Response to COVID-19 - A list of resources. Via Steven Ramage on LinkedIn.

University of the Cordilleras (The Philippines): UC deploys Covid-19 surveillance system - "The University of the Cordilleras – Research and Innovation Office (UC-RIO) in Baguio City has deployed a system powered by Geographic Information System that enables real time reporting, inter-agency data sharing, and geographic visualization of COVID-19 cases in the Cordillera Administrative Region."