Thursday, April 23, 2015

GIS Education Weekly: Geography Text Includes ArcGIS Online Maps, New Geo for All School

First Geography Text Taps ArcGIS Online Maps

Dr. Erin H. Fouberg, professor of geography at Northern State (South Dakota) is a co-author.
After eight years of writing and revising, the first edition of Understanding World Regional Geography (Wiley, 2015), co-authored with Dr. William G. Moseley (Macalaster College) was released in March 2015. Understanding World Regional Geography is the first geography textbook to integrate live, digital maps that open in Esri’s ArcGIS Online program.
As I understand it, only the e-edition ($63) includes the interactive maps. The loose leaf and paperback versions do not ($115, $164 respectively). I found a sample chapter (in ISSU, an online magazine format) but no samples of the Esri maps or the materials to help students explore them.


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Support the Every Child Achieves Act

Penn State Geography ‏@psugeography tweeted:
If you care about Geography education please act today

The Senate version of the measure to reauthorize the [Every Child Achieves Act, the update of No Child Left Behind]...
The link is to the 601 page bill. Geography, I found, is mentioned exactly twice in the bill:

On page 290:
‘‘(a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section is to promote innovative strategies to promote innovative his- tory, civic, and geography instruction, learning strategies, and professional development activities and programs for teachers, principals, and other school leaders, particularly for low-income students in underserved areas.
There are grants proposed to develop these strategies.

On page 529 updating a paragraph with:
4 ‘core academic subjects’ means English, reading or
5 language arts, writing, science, technology, engineer-
6 ing, mathematics, foreign languages, civics and gov-
7 ernment, economics, arts, history, geography, com-
8 puter science, music, and physical education, and
9 any other subject as determined by the State or local
10 educational agency.’’;
Geography was already in the core academic subjects list; it was just not funded as other subjects were.

Senate committee members unanimously approved the bill last week following three days of debate and adjustments. The full Senate may take it up this summer.

NITLE Changes

Hack Education reports:
Inside Higher Ed reports that NITLE, the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education, is undergoing a year-long review and “‘will migrate its operations’ to the Council on Library and Information Resources, or CLIR, in Washington, D.C.”
The organization has been a proponent of the value of GIS in the liberal arts.

Very Geographic University of Redlands Commencement

How geographic was it?

Gary E. Knell, president and CEO of the National Geographic Society and recent  president and CEO of National Public Radio served as commencement speaker.

Scott Morehouse, director of the International Research and Development Centers at  Esri,  received an honorary doctorate.

Online Drone GIS Course Coming this Summer

The University of Denver will  offer “UAV for GIS,” claimed to be the first graduate-level course in the nation about the two topics. This is the second offering. The online course begins June 8 and runs for ten weeks for about $2400. There's a follow-up course on Digital Image Processing planned for the fall quarter.

Latest Geo for All School: Warren Wilson College of North Carolina

I learned of the news via a tweet. I'm not familiar with the school, but it's a liberal arts school with a focus on service learning and work. It currently has a Global Studies BA and a Applied Geospatial Technology minor. I found two GIS courses: intro and advanced.

Portuguese Language GIS and Remote Sensing MOOC

 tweeted about a  GIS and remote sensing MOOC from the Univ Nova Lisboa, the newest of three public universities in Lisbon. Best I can tell the course is 10 weeks long with six modules and in Portuguese. I did not find a starting date.

Esri GIS Education News

Esri Now "Badging" Certifications on LinkedIn

Those holding Esri certifications can now embed them in their LinkedIn profiles.
Simply go to your certification record and click Add to LinkedIn. In less than a minute, your certification name, date achieved, and the Esri logo display in the Certifications section of your profile.
Esri Story Map Contest

I note this since so many educators and students use the templates/apps. Details are here (no student category). The judging criteria are below.
Judging: Judges appointed by Sponsor will determine the winners. Entries will be judged on the basis of effectiveness in making subject matter interesting and understandable; providing an engaging user experience; and overall design, impact, and creativity. In the event of a tie, Esri staff will decide the final winner. be judged on the basis of effectiveness in making subject matter interesting and understandable; providing an engaging user experience; and overall design, impact, and creativity. In the event of a tie, Esri staff will decide the final winner.
Esri Education User Conference Agenda Onine

It's here. One plenary is on service learning and includes the folks from Azavea and a second is on the Esri AAG Geomentor program which debuts this week at the AAG conference in Chicago.

Other Post(s) this Week at Ignite Education

LiDAR Format Wars Creep into the Media